Mother’s Day Acceptance Speech

New Day Photo by Katia UlysseIt’s that time again.

Countless moms will receive the obligatory Annual Mother’s Day Trophy: breakfast, flowers, no-laundry day pass . . .

All week I tried to write a thoughtful Mother’s Day Acceptance Speech for the trophy I would receive. I could not think of one word.

Today, while most everyone showers the moms on their roster with cards, pearls, chocolate, diamonds, I won’t get any. No bouquets of pink roses. Nothing. I’m more of a Bearded Iris type, anyway. I like the golden and the dark blue. If you can’t find those, I’ll take white peonies. Lots of them.

Katia-Phone.jpgMy husband knows me better than anyone. This is why he doesn’t buy me flowers. The man figured out–a long time ago–that since finding bearded irises and peonies on Mother’s Day might be a little challenging, he gave me garden. Now, when it comes to receiving flowers from my husband on Mother’s Day, my cup kind of runneth over. No complaints from me.

mangoI won’t get that special Mother’s Day brunch either. My husband knows I’m not big on restaurants. I’m a sit in the kitchen with my family kind of person. So, for breakfast, he presented me with a silver-like tray heaped with homegrown mangoes!  He knows I won’t stop eating until my entire body is good and sticky with mango juice. Color me thrilled.

No roses. No special meal. But I still managed to come up with a decent Acceptance Speech. Check it out:

PititfiFirst and foremost, I’d like to think my Lord and Savior for . . . for everything.

Second and secondmost–is that a word? Don’t know. So, I’d like to thank my Husband, James, for giving me the extreme pleasure of becoming a mother nine years ago. He did this with equal part grace and stregth.  Long after the deed was done, he stood in that delivery room, misty-eyed but steady on his legs.  When he saw our little miracle, he did not faint.  He’s not the fainting type.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThird and thirdmost, I’d like to thank our fantabulous babygirl for coming to us. Without her, I’d still be dreaming about what it’s like to be a mama.

I’m the one who will bring bouquets of flowers into the house today: One for my man–even though he never lifts a finger to help me weed the flower beds. But that’s another story. Another bouquet is for myself. (I spend so much time in those flower beds, I deserve to enjoy them once in a while).

Our daughter loves flowers, but I won’t bring a bouquet to her today. Once I figured out why my husband gave me those gardens, I passed one on to our girl. Whenever she feels like surrounding herself with tulips, irises, roses, lilies, she can select from her own garden.  Of course, I’m the one who spends hours planting seeds and weeding her garden.  But that’s another story. That’s what this mom is for.

Happy Mother’s Day to all moms everywhere!